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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The lamas priests who know the secrets of the supramental

The lamas priests who know the secrets of the supramental

Lama priests who know the mysteries of supramental, energies and vibrations need at least 20 years of exercises to achieve such performance. Experts argue that in order to achieve such a performance it takes a struggle with the self, a liberation from material barriers.
Supramental involves a jump, another level of development that we need to understand to get to it. Supramental is not a religious movement, it involves spiritual development.
This development is cumbersome, long lasting and individual. It is said that man is in a symbiosis with the earth, nature. Researchers extrapolate and claim that this indestructible link we have with the Universe, with its personality and consciousness. As there is a planetary memory, a memory of water, there is a memory of the Universe.
The universe exudes vibrations, the supramament emits vibrations and communication can be achieved. Between man and the cosmic plane there is an exchange of energies, a balance we are not aware of.
 For many of us the invisible does not exist. We have been taught that only what we see, what we can achieve exists.
Theories have changed. There is a memory of the invisible. The human brain is designed and has the ability to enter this unknown, mysterious world. It is important to find the way to this communication.

“Ziua întunecoasă”.

Acest fenomen misterios a fost consemnat sub numele “Ziua întunecoasă”. Nimeni nu poate explica cu exactitate ceea ce s-a întâmplat în acea zi de 19 mai 1780 și nici nu a fost descoperită cauza pentru care Soarele nu a putut să lumineze așa cum o face în mod normal.
Oare ce s-a întâmplat în acea zi cu adevărat și ce fenomen natural ar fi putut să împiedice propagarea luminii pe continentul nord american?


2018 Univers Cosalien by Corky Art
